Berlinde De Bruyckere — One

Published in conjunction with the exhibitions at Hauser & Wirth, Zurich; De Pont, Tilburg; La Maison Rouge, Paris. There are 3 language versions (Dutch / English / French: Eén / One / Un). With texts by Harald Szeemann and Barbara Baert. The book was made in dialogue with Berlinde De Bruyckere and is mainly focused on representing the art works. The images are reproduced on a large scale, without titles or commentaries, which turns the book almost into an album. There are no page numbers. Instead, each individual work is numbered. These numbers are put boldly in the middle of the outer vertical margins and refer to a list at the end of the book. This list mentions titles and technical data and may fold out so the reader is able to see the references without having to turn over the pages too much. The dustjacket is pink with scarce, black type. On the one hand this unusual color refers to the ‘naked body’ sculptures of Berlinde De Bruyckere but also to the blankets she used to bring into her work. On the other hand, this striking color helps the book to compete with other books in the window displays of the international bookshops.