When the mood strikes — (Collection Wilfried and Yannicke Cooreman)

catalogue, 364 pp., 11 x 17 cm

Deurle: Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens (MDD)

ISBN: 9789076034003

This book is published on the occasion of the exhibition When the mood strikes … Collection Wilfried and Yannicke Cooreman, presented at Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens (June 21 – September 14, 2009). The Cooremans started collecting art toward the end of the 1970s, initially purchasing art of young artists that belonged to the same generation as themselves. Since those early beginnings, they have focused on following and collecting work by young artists, often before their international breakthrough. Thus, their collection now comprises several generations of artists, from Franz West, Thomas Schütte, Art & Language, Jean-Marc Bustamante and Jan Vercruysse to Lucy McKenzie, Gregor Schneider, Robert Kusmirowski,… Through their strategy, the Cooremans distinguish themselves as faithful and committed collectors of young and promising artists. Furthermore, they also provide an eclectic panorama of the various artistic tendencies of the past three decades.

Authors: Ward Daenen, Tanguy Eeckhout (25 april 1980 – 5 januari 2018), Lars Kwakkenbos