De Witte Raaf

bimonthly art journal, 28.5 x 40.5 cm

Brussels: De Witte Raaf

De Witte Raaf aims to inspire the conversation about visual art in the Netherlands and Flanders. The magazine is open to all possible approaches to visual art and offers authors space to discuss different sides of an oeuvre or subject.

De Witte Raaf consists of two sections that complement each other. The first section contains longer essays and reviews on visual art and its social, historical and political context. It often uses themes that shed new light on current affairs. The second section offers critical reviews of current exhibitions and publications, and includes an international exhibition calendar.

De Witte Raaf is addressed to anyone interested in the visual arts. The magazine is published bi-monthly in a circulation of 14,000 copies. Anyone who occasionally visits an art institution, or works there themselves, or exhibits work as an artist, can take the magazine with them free of charge. It is also sent to subscribers, regular contributors and contacts in the cultural field. The reader is sought out – and intellectually challenged – by De Witte Raaf.