REPLAY Nikolaas Demoen

For the exhibition REPLAY, artist Nikolaas Demoen (°1965, Ghent) invites 14 graphic designers to design a “post-facto” poster with images from his exhibitions, book presentations and residencies of the past 7 years in museums and exhibition spaces like S.M.A.K. (Ghent), Mu.ZEE (Ostend), Loods 12 (Wetteren), Be-Part (Waregem) and Netwerk (Aalst). By exhibiting these posters, past, volatile events are put in replay, and moreover, the artistic autonomy of a printed poster is highlighted. The exhibition poster showed a peak in the 1960s and 1970s and was then also collected as a full-fledged art object.
The posters in REPLAY are designed by both established and a few young emerging designers, active within the world of contemporary art in Belgium. As a result, the exhibition can also be read as a snapshot of contemporary graphic design in Flanders. The participating designers are: Kim Beirnaert, Michaël Bussaer, Casier/Fieuws, Lisa De Brouwere, Luc Derycke, Jan & Randoald, Inge Ketelers, Joris Kritis, Gestalte, Julie Peeters, Ruttens-Wille, Pauline Scharmann, Stien Stessens and Roger Willems.