Maarten Van Severen

Designed together with Filiep Tacq, in close collaboration with Maarten Van Severen (05.06.1956 – 21.02.2005). This book was his first monography. Edited in Dutch, English and French. The book starts immediately with a collection of pictures. These photographs show all kinds of objects and situations which inspired Maarten Van Severen. After 80 unpaginated pages of pictures, there’s a shift in paper quality and one sees the title page of the book. The pagination starts here and in the next 128 pages, the work of Maarten Van Severen is presented together with a text by Geert Bekaert. After this central part, there’s again a shift in paper quality and 48 unpaginated pages follow, showing full page pictures of projects which Maarten Van Severen did with architects and engineers. The blue color of the cover refers to the work:‘Blue Bench 1997’. A few months after publishing the book was sold out. Later a japanese version was printed.